Monday, April 7, 2008

If....what if....

Had a talk with a friend, and she just broke off with her 3rd boyfriend, A. Naturally she was quite upset, but she felt that she could not go on further with this guy because she haven't gotten over her 2nd boyfriend, B, whom broke off with her for 8 months. She asked if she had done the wrong thing by accepting A in the first place, and that she was thinking if she didn't accept A would B think that she is still waiting for him and would he come back to her. All the 'If' and 'what if' questions came, these counterfactual thoughts, it's interesting how it affects a person's emotions. She expresses upward counterfactual thoughts, wondering if they would get back together if she had remained single and waited. Upward counterfactual thoughts, it often arouse negative emotions, this is really true as she broke down after.

Seeing this reminds me of my past relationship as well. It has been 6 months, yet at the back of my head i still think, "If i haven't thrown my temper that day, would we still be together", "What if I haven't agreed to the break up so readily that night, would things be different now?" These upward counterfactual thoughts really arouses negative emotions.

However, being very hopeful, I'm sure the day will come when the both of us could have a downward counterfactual thought of "If he hasn't been so firm on the break up, I wouldn't have met this guy now" *laughz*

1 comment:

Podisingho said...


I should have bought KFC just now when I passed by!

It was just there... so yummy..

But now I'm at home and guess what!!

my family ordered PIZZZZZZZA HUTTTTTT!! *favourite*

Lucky I did not eat KFC!! Otherwise no space!!!
