Friday, October 31, 2008
happy halloween!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
pleasant surpise
as usual....switch on my com check my mails after washin up n a msg on frenster from him....!!i'm surprised tt he manage to find me on frenster.....what a pleasant surprise n pleasant way to start my day.....hehehe:p of cos besides being really impressed by his determination i'm secretly glad to receive his msg....hehehe:p b4 partin last nite he said "cya again"....n since no contacts were left thought the chances of meetin again would b close to zero since he's in the commandos.....but he actually had the patience n determination to find my profile on frenster....really am impressed.....hehe:p n his msg really brought a smile to my says "told ya we'll meet again".....
added him on msn....n shall c how things goes.....hehe:p
nothing exciting today....slack pretty much the whole day.....but it's juz a simple happy day....hehe:p
~~smiling from the heart~~
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
fun fun fun!
Tricia n ZM..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
unplanned day...:)
didn't hv any prog today.....took up whatever is 'offered'...hahaa....went to work early in da morn....gotta report at up at 630....when i slp at's wif MGS's prefects today......last day of their camp....more of a reflection session wif them.....brought them to the war memorial place n got them to do their reflection in front of one of the tomb stones they first time's a v quiet n peaceful place.....a v nice place for self reflection really.....went thru the tomb stones......saw one of a 1 day old baby.....felt for the parents....the galz did their reflection....n had a sharing kinda session after tt......
after work went home for a nap....hehe:p.....then sharon called n asked if i wanna watch burn after reading.....the thriller looks went for da movie..!hehe:p expected the usual car park tt i parked at would b full....but lucky there's only 1 car in front of me n didn't hv to wait v long b4 i get a space....hehe:p there's still time to grab a bite b4 da show....hehehe:p
went for the show.....the movie was crap....dozed off in da movies....feel so cheated.....can't get over da fact tt it's such a lame show.....oh well...nv watch nv know....hehehe:p
went for a small bite after da movie at nydc......thought we're juz gonna chill for a bit n head home....but.....hahaha....miss pea heard some retro songs....n she's itchying to go for a dance....cute her....she's so engrossed in da songs tt she wasn't listening to what we say......she's convincing me to go dbl o.....juz for awhile....but i'm suppose to meet my weekend united gang for mj.....hmm.....dun really feel like clubbing.....n i dun wanan drive to club.......
still went in the end....hahaha...cos miss pea's hving exams soon...she can't go for da next 2 weeks....juz go since she said it's gonna b only for awhile....gonna drive there means no drinkin for me...oh well...since i'm's ok lah....hehe:p
reached dbl o...n da queue is freakin long!!!!y muz mos close....?sighz....really can't b bothered queuing to get da time we get in would b god knows what we got george to get us in w/o queuing...hehe:p thanx george!!hehe:p we went in....they got a drink.....finished it.....n headed to da dance floor....!
it's super crowded.....super hot.....the air con doesn't seemed to b workin dancin in suana.....hahaha..:p as's pic time!!pea was takin a pic for sharon n i......n this 2 silly guyz juz wanna b extra....hahaha.....
louis n n sharon
made a couple of new frens....n v coincidentally lance lived in da same blk as sharon....n all of them live juz so near us....same 'village' as sharon....hahaha....they're an interesting grp of guys....v funny v crappy....n most importantly they're nt weird....hahahaha..!!!!had a fun day....thou it's all in-prompt-to activities....:)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
yet another crazy nite..
i'm probably hv'm feelin super frustrated.....n ppl keep pissing me off wif stupid comments....they think it's damn funny but HELLO PEEPZ!get alife it's nt funny when ya said it like more than 3 times.....duhz....aniwaez yah...was damn pissed off wif those brainless ppl.....
oh i finally manage to get hold of cherie....meetin at 7.....coolz...i'm already like ready to go out anytime.....met her at the last cabin....head down to town.....n in da train juz the sudden thought tt it's ladies' decide to go to phuture....hahaha....yupz!v in-prompt-to....hehe:p
as usual....the queue is super long....lucky she met her fren who's in front n she got us to join her queue...!!haha...lucky us....else i think we'll nv b able to step into phuture.....hehe:p were there too early.....had mango malibu....1 jug bloated.....but the alcohol is nt takin effect.....was juz tellin cherie i wanna go pray to auntie....but Colleen didn't contact me....prob they forgot....n really seems like telepathy.....the moment i finish telling cherie abt it....i got a msg....n it's from Colleen sayin they're gonna pray tml.....gotta reach their place at 930.......Colleen is v thoughtful....she's afraid tt i might feel awkward goin wif them....but it has been so long.....guess it shdn't b tt bad....dun wanna get lost since i dunno where's da place so i'll juz go wif them....:)
after settling that....cherie n i cont' wif out clubbing session....hehe:p took some picz while we wait for da nite to start happening...:p
bestie n i while we're hving our mango malibu at zouk...
switch position n here's another shot..:p
after our drink at zouk went out to make a call n check if cherie can sign Don in when he's here later.....but she can't cos she got her chop already...too bad for ya Don....hehehe:p we went to phuture when da crowd is usual phuture is thing music was pretty gd.....hehe:p ppl almost get into a fight again....rite behind me this time....lucky they were juz punches were pulled b4 bouncers arrived....hehe:p made a new fren....hehe....sorry bestie for nt being wif ya in the last hr.....lucky Don was there....else bestie is gonna kill me wif her nags n stare.....hehehe:p
went for supper wif Don after phuture....n he's tipsy....hahaha...keep repeatin things he funny....hehe:p had prata opposite.....didn't taste gd.....oh well.....shan't b fussy....hehehe:p chat for abit after supper n headed home together....took some pics in da cab.....
bestie, Don n Me~~
bestie n i lookin norm while Don is.............nt......haha:p
hasn't been to phuture in's a great nite....!:)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
simply LUV tues~!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
~~Meri n Liam'z ROM~~When it's no longer U n I...
was there abit bit juz stayed ard hopin it'll nt rain...hohoh~ solemnisation was of vows and ring....n....taa-daa...!!!knot is tied....!!they're now husband n wife in the eyes of the law...hehe:p

the 'tying of the knot' ....hehe:p
after the solemnisation took a few quick grp pics n had to rush indoor...started rainin....lucky it's after the solemnisation....hehehe:p Meri 'threw' the bouquet to Shuhui....hahaha....ahem she's gonna b da next bride...hehehe:p headed indoor for the buffet n the food's pretty gd.....hehe:p of cos our forte is talk n talk n talk over we were busy eatin, talkin, n takin pics till 4pm....
Meri's hand bouquet n the scrap book from all of us....
first pg of the bk...
my pg of da bk...:p
Mrs Tan n me!!!hehehe:p
tt's us galz!:p

tt's me wif Mr n Mrs Tan...hehe:p
us all!!
After the 'party' at Sheraton towers.....headed down to bugis for KTV session at Top One KTV.....had a huge room...!!the place was pretty lotsa new things to play ard wif....the lightings....the 'smoke' thingy....the old sch mic......3 big tv...!hehehe:p sang for 4-5 hrs....

some random pic of da evening...

it's the straw tt i like....hehe:p
after tt....went for dinner at.....i dunno where's tt place....hahaha...but it's still at bugis....hehehe:p dinner was pretty yummy too!!!hehehe:p had a really fun day....haven't had such fun wif da gang in ages.......super tired......but was a great sunday..!!:)
~~when the knot is's no longer U & I~~