there was already a number of gals in da queue.....we joined da queue....wait for our ht to be taken...names to b called.....watched the vid....n 1st round of interview.....wasn't really nervous till i stepped into da room....stammer ALOT..!knew i'll b kicked out....hahaha.....true enough....only 1 outta 10 got in.....n i'm one of da 9.....hehe:p
left sheraton towers at 10ish....went to orchard for brunchie wif co.....then head home...while crossing the rd btwn hereen n cine saw an accident involving a lorry, a cab n a car.....the taxi was sandwiched....but lucky no one was hurt.....was too tired to kpo....juz walk on n head bed is waiting for me....zzz....hehehe:p
got up at bit of errands b4 setting out to meet nic n them for the 'museum of broken relationships'...i can't believe my luck.....on da bus to the train station.....saw another accident.....2 cars this time round.....wasn't too bad i guess...the drivers were juz taking down particulars...
meeting them at city hall....someone stole a pic of me when i walked out of da gate...he juz looked at me n smile after tt.....since i was late i juz walked off.....they were all waiting for me....oopz...:p we walked over to da museum was expecting a bigger area...:p thou da place ain't v big there're quite a no. of exhibits....saw a few quite touching n meaningful ones....
this matchbox story is pretty meaningful to me....part of it sayz..."coldness means an end to every r/s. If you want to kill something, just stay cold. As soon as you freeze ur feelings, thoughts and acts, the r/s becomes impossible." kinda agree wif tt....was 'frozen' once....haha~
one of the exhibits....juz thought tt it's cute....:)
another item....quite a touching poem....
this key is really pretty...n behind this key lies a sad story tt sorta touches my heart....
last pic b4 leaving the place......
went for dinner at thai express wif yann yann after da museum...then....dessert at Haagen-Dazs....shared 2 scoopz of ice cream wif a waffle....feel so cheated....this tiny waffle cost $5......was expecting something bigger....:s oh's Haagen-Dazs....haha...the ice-cream is gd thou it's a lil ex....hahaha~
went for dinner at thai express wif yann yann after da museum...then....dessert at Haagen-Dazs....shared 2 scoopz of ice cream wif a waffle....feel so cheated....this tiny waffle cost $5......was expecting something bigger....:s oh's Haagen-Dazs....haha...the ice-cream is gd thou it's a lil ex....hahaha~
our 2 scoopz n the super ex waffle....
how yann n i leave our cutleries after using....:p
after dessert head to villa bali to meet the rest of my batch.......lucky ed n shuhui r nt there yet....they're on their way....n ed is so nice to pick me up from newton mrt...hehe:p
walked thru the esplanade tunnel again....n this time round had time to read the story on da almost brought tears to my eyes.....lookin at the pic....reminds me of grandpa....missing him again.....
one of the pic in the picture diary displayed on the wall of the esplanade tunnel....find it v swt...:)
met up wif ed n shuhui at newton.....drove to villa bali...juz as we're abt to reach the rest of them called n said they're changing venue to settlers at choice...made our way there.....arrived and settled the package....started playing game n all....:)
the first game we played.....dunno what issit called....
everyone is concentrating....
snatch it!
c how violent it gets....haha:p
played only 2 games n it kept up busy da whole 3 hrs?hahaha......had lotsa fun.....b4 leaving took a grp pic n it's time to go home....~

us all for the nite....:)
us all for the nite....:)
b4 leaving da place needa ans to nature's call....went to da same toilet we went to earlier....but was stopped by the guard....he said the police is in there so we had to go to the other one......after we're done wif answering the 'call'....we were all curious abt y is the police in the toilet.....stood there for awhile...discussing....c-ing if we can get anything outta it.....then the guyz decide to check wif da guard afriad tt a spy cam was planted in the ladies as their GFs were in there b4.....
n true enough.....a guy was caught in the ladies taking videos from under the cubicles....he camped in the middle cubicle and recorded vids using this usb device wif a build-in pinhole cam.....he was there from ard 12am till the time he was caught.......n the "lucky" shuhui n i could highly possibly b the first 2 in the toilet after he was there.....
we went to da ladies at 11ish....n the middle cubicle of the 3 was we entered the other 2 next to cubicle was really quiet....thought it was a lil weird cos after we were done tt cubicle was still occupied....didn't think much abt it n left.....
heard of all these stories....but nv expect it to happen to us.....the feelin really suckz.......the other 2 galz who spotted the phone comin from the gap beneath the cubicles were also there.....lucky they spotted it...else dunno what's gonna happen.....went to the police c what can we find out.....he said tt they couldn't open the usb folder wif da lappies he juz ask for our details....
gave the police our contact details.....and he said tt he'll bring da guy back to the station n his investigator will contact us for statment.....since there's nothing tt can b done at tt moment.....we left....shuhui is v uneasy abt it......lucky ed is there for frens r there for me at least...:) ginrong gave me a lift home....n on da way home.....saw another accident AGAIN....3rd one in technically the same day......sighz.....3 accidents n a police "lucky" is my day...?
~~when things all comes together....~~
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