Tuesday, December 30, 2008
juz a lil thought....
off to bed!ZZzz......
~~pictures capture special moments n emotions.....leaving memories...~~
2nd last day of 2008
it's finally done at 7pm...suppose to b meeting chermaine at 830 raffles place....goin to timbre for a drink.....dunno who's goin....she doesn't wanna tell me.....sense something weird.....hmm.....
aniwaez....ended up walkin over alone...cos she was there way earlier than meetin time....haha....forgot how to walk there....was a lil lost....but no worries....gettin lost is my forte....hahaha....i alwayz manage to find my way somehow....hehehe:p had a nice quiet walk over....saw luving couples....interesting tourists.....couples arguing.....grp of ppl....nt feelin sad....but juz somehow....tt missing piece in my heart is acting up again......am happy living my single life....but....somehow something juz feels missing......no one i've met so far can put tt missing piece back.....
oh...aniwaez....found my way there......gerald n fren, julian is there....it's gerald's bday tml.....so....it's prob to celebrate his bday in advance.....met a new fren, tina i think....hahaha....n of cos chermaine darling n wanxin.....gabriel n fren came after tt.....play silly lil games....'i hv nv...', 'i hv ever....', 7-up, n the secret no. ....haha...was fun fun....hehe:p
saw dennis n jason there....what a coincidence....haha....was quite surprise tt dennis actually reg. me.....haven't seen him in yrs.....hahaha.....
aniwaez left at 12ish.....shared a cab home wif chermaine darling n da 2 guyz.....hoho~
chermaine darling blame me for nt doin my fairy job.......so......i did my job in da cab!!!hahaha.....
n she's happy abt it...hehehe:p all's goin well so far......her reaction was super cute......haha.....hope it'll work out......hehe:p
it's NYE tml~~~!!!!!!!so so so lookin forward!!!hehehe:p more partying....hehehe:p hope it's gonna b fun tml....hehe:p
~~the missing piece is still nt found~~
Thursday, December 25, 2008
my poor brusied knee from last nite....:s
miss pea is comin at 545.....gonna pick her up from da train station....sharon came juz on time to go pick miss pea up wif me.....came back n get ready for da steamboat feast~!!hehe:p
started cookin w/o waiting for cherie n hanni cos we're starving....hahaha....hanni came juz on time to eat....
dinner time....~~!!miss pea is alwayz cam sensitive....haha:p
cherie n ah long came.....con't eatin n eating......after tt.......had yummy choco fondue....luv mum so so so much...she made a fruit platter wif so many diff kinds of fruit so we can hv choco fondue......hehe:p mum's da best!!hehe:p
after dinner n dessert...it's time to exchange pressies...~~!!miss pea gotta leave soon....so.....yupz...fast one..!
part of my x'mas pressie from my galz....:)
n of cos luv all da gifts from my galz.....luc ya galz deep deep..!!hehehe:p thanx for all da pressies....!!!hehehe:p
~~spread da joy~~
Monday, December 15, 2008
shock of da day....
~~shock n surprises r juz divided by a thin line..~~
Friday, December 12, 2008
Long awaited day! ANDY LAU CONCERT~!!!!
got a msg from darling cuzzie he's gonna book out early today....YEAH!!!he can go for da concert wif me!!!Hehehe:p
went for the sleep disorder clinic visit at SGH in the noon....a fruitful visit....the talk was interesting...:)
head home to meetin darling for the concert....try to get him but he's nt ans-ing his call....muz b slping.....got him finally...slpin indeed....hahaha....got dinner for him...n head off after dinner!so excited...!!!!hehehe:p
caught in a jam on the way there....gosh..dun wanna b late.....the concert is suppose to start at 8pm.....oh well....like wedding dinners...it started late.....when we got there....it was juz abt to start....hehe:p lucky er.....there's a lil hiccup regarding the tix....but still got in w/o prob...saw cao ge the singer at the premier entrance where we're suppose to go in by.....when we stepped in the lights went off....it's startin!we were lead to our seats like a VIP...hehehe:p
at our seat.....saw cao ge once again....hehehe....think they lead him to da wrong side....concert started...!!!
Stage at the start....!
Darling cuz n me wif the free 'lightstick'....enjoying ourselves!!:)
My idol...!!!
Andy Lau n his 'sons' Andox and hei zai..!!
at the end of the concert....wif a lil souvinor....hehehe:p
the concert was suppose to end at 10...but encore as expected n ended at 11+....the concert really ROCKZ!!!!enjoyed myself so so so much...!!!hehehe:p thou da tix is a lil ex......it's worth it.....money can buy the tix but nt the experience.....it's a GREAT concert!!!!!:) :) :)
so so so happy!!!hehehe:p
~~money can't buy everything...~~
Thursday, December 11, 2008
being pampered :)
there's ain't many participants comin today...so it's kinda relaxin for us....juz sit there n chat wif YY most of da time.....stupid annoying uni network keep disconnecting....can't even hv a proper chat on msn....annoying!!!*humphz*........was thinkin nothing to do after experiment....so ask xiao pea n sharon out to shop for x'mas pressie.....after making arrangement wif my galz, kenji msged me....he wants to meet me for a drink at st james.....but i already made plans wif my galz.....asked if he mind them joining....apparently he does mind.....thou he did put it in a v nice way.....hehehe:p
lucky my galz r understanding......suppose to meet them at 630.....meant to leave uni at 6 so i can meet them on time......but got held up by da experiment.....left uni at 630 n juz missed da bus......:( watch da bus driving pass when walkin outta uni......waited for almost 20 min b4 da next bus arrives.....rush home...dumped my stuff n rush out.....super hungry.....lucky da galz got a table at sushi tei already....hehehe:p
they went all da way to town juz to acc me for dinner n shop for x'mas pressie.....so swt of them....:) sharon had to deliver mua-ji home so she left after dinner.....miss pea so nice....she acc me till it's time to meet kenji.....:) suppose to meet him at cityhall at 10 but was still gettin mich's x'mas pressie when he ask if i'm there...told him i'm still at orchard n he offered to pick me up from where i am instead.....hehe:p so nice of him.....met him after gettin da stuff n headed for st james.....went in by firefly n ended up at movida....so nt used to a small crowd there....dun dare to dance thou i v much feel like....really need heapz of practise for my salsa.....hehe:p had only 1 dance n couldn't make it....in da wrong pair of heelz....:s
spent da rest of da time chattin n drinking......was quite comfy being wif him....nt much awkward silence.....didn't needa think of a topic to start cos he'll talk most of da time.....hehe:p like the way he talks n da respect he gives.....
nv felt so pampered by someone other than my family.....da prog for da nite is all planned for....all i needa do is juz walk....dun even needa open da car door to get into da car......hehehe:p will da next date b as nice?:p
Gonna watch Andy Lau's concert tml..!!!so excited...hope my darling can book out on time for da concert.....*pray pray*
~~nv felt so pampered~~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
got up on da wrong side of my bed...
rush to sch....got heapz of participants comin in....so super tired.....got lotsa text msges but no time to reply.....so many unknown no. from participants tt i dun even know who's who.....
haven't finish my slides n handout for tonite's presentation.....no time to do till YY comes.....n it really isnt my day....ask YY to buy lunchy for me n she took super long to reach sch.....thanx to da bus.....sbs outta do something abt da bus service.....haha~ while waiting....had bit bit of time to reply my msges.....was msgin someone n he wanted to take me on a vacation....how weird....we barely know each other....haha....not goin for da vacation thou...no time...n dun dare thou he's kinda nice so far.....hehe:p changed it to dinner n movie sometime soon....hehe:p
throat startin to feel uncomfy.....startin to lose my voice while conducting experiment...gosh.....hv a presentation tonite n losing my voice now?!?!i'm feelin worse...as time pass....drinkin lots n lotsa water..but nt helpin much.....starting to cough....oh no....i'm fallin sick AGAIN...!!!!
finally YY is here...time for lunchy......the chix rice is bad.....lotsa bones....sighz.....didn't enjoy lunchy.....:( con't wif experiment......n finish up my slides n handout for presentation later......met chermaine n wanxin at da canteen....got all done....n chill while waitin for time to pass.....hope nothing goes wrong during presentation.....juz so super duper mega tired.......
time for class!!set up lappie....wanna b da first to present!hehe:p presented n yupz...nt as bad....thou was super tired n hv no idea what was i talkin abt....presentation was short....but at least i got a Dist!hehe:p first thing tt went rite after a long bad day.....gettin restless after 2+hrs.....in da last 1/2 hr of class.....can't stand it anymore...got outta class wif wanxin n stood outside chattin....hehe:p gerald happen to end class early so he joined us chattin....hahaha....finally class ended....!!! meant to go get instant noodles for supper wif chermaine, wanxin n gerald but no hot water dispenser at da petrol kiosk.....so we went to ice cube at thomson.....
had crepe n ice cream n drumettes....yummy!!!had fun chatting n all thou it's juz a short chat.....cab home wif gerald.....too tired to wait for bus.....thou had a bad start today...but it got better after...so...yupz~!tt's gd!hehehe:p
~~bad times dun stay forever, hang on n things will get better....:)~~
Saturday, November 15, 2008
realise....i miss ya still.....
thought it's all over we've both moved on fine......but i realised........many a times........i found myself doing things and wishing ya were wif me......doin it together........i juz did realised.......deep down.......i miss ya still.......................
~~wounds heal but scars remain~~
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
simply LUV tuesdayz!!:)
slept real early last nite...muz b da med tt's making me drowsy....slp so much.....but still feelin tired....the flu n cough is annoying....i sound like i'm cryin....hehehe:p
did laudry when i got up....a lil packin....n head off for piano lesson.....5th uncle n family's outta town so i getta use da car for aweek again!!!so happy....hehhe:p drove for piano class....1st time driving a honda....hehehe:p luv it...but still nt v used to da car thou.......dunno what's wrong wif me......kept playin wrongly for piano today.....sighz.....oh well.....wasn't tt bad...but there's no improvement........how to take grade 5??next week gotta do grade 5 piece somemore.....hohoh...~so gonna die....hahhaha:p
drove home after lesson...grab dinner....n head for SALSA~!!!!woo~hoo~!!!!hehehE:p so excited....it's I1 lesson 1...hehe:p decided nt to drive cos dunno where to park....lost track of time n left home late.....:( lucky for me.....da bus arrived da moment i reach da bus stop.....train came when i reach da platform.....thought i'm nt gonna b tt late.....BUT.....at raffles place....the display cheated my feelings..!!!!it sayz da next train is arriving in 4 min....but after 5 min....it still displays 4 min......finally da train is here.....reached da dance studio n i'm almost 20 min late.....
june n jackson is on holz....so KC n lilian took over today's class.....da class size is kinda small for I1.....only 2 guyz n 7 galz.....nt used to such a small class.....hehehe:p learnt quite a no. of new moves.....happy happy...but feelin bit stiff today....juz hate to b sick....headed down to union for a dance after class.....got a few dance invites....nt on gd form today.....thankfully they're nice.....hehe:p had fun dancing.....!!hehe:p so so so lookin forward to next tue!!Hehe:p
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
mad abt salsa
lucky i drove for piano...so i still hv time to head home grab a bite b4 goin for SALSA!!!!!hehe:p it's the last lesson for the beginners course.....time really flies......had heapz of fun over da last 5 weeks....lesson was pretty fun today......learned some new moves...practice the basics.....n b4 i know it....it's the end of class......lookin forward to intermediate 1 next week....but June said there's nt enough guyz.....she'll inform us by fri if da class is gonna b cancelled or nt...sighz.....hope it'll nt b cancelled.....
most of us headed down to union square for a dance after salsa class....first time goin in such a big grp....n it's super fun!!!Hehehe:p got a few dance invites.....they're really nice to teach me thou i can hardly hear what they're sayin...but the dance was great!!!hahaha....i'm in luv wif salsa.......!!!!hehehhehe:p they're all gonna head down on thurs.....can't wait to hit da dance floor again on thurs......hehehe:p
saw the prog on this cancer patient who's makin full use of all her time nt lettin a sec go wasted sets me thinkin how much time i've wasted in my life.....if i would hv put those time into gd use i'd have accomplished alot more.....oh well....can't turn back time...learnin to make full use of my time n life.....i'm so glad i picked up salsa....hehehe:p
am totally worn out now....shall hit da sack.....ZZzzz....
~~time waits for no one...~~
Friday, October 31, 2008
happy halloween!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
pleasant surpise
as usual....switch on my com check my mails after washin up n stuff......got a msg on frenster from him....!!i'm surprised tt he manage to find me on frenster.....what a pleasant surprise n pleasant way to start my day.....hehehe:p of cos besides being really impressed by his determination i'm secretly glad to receive his msg....hehehe:p b4 partin last nite he said "cya again"....n since no contacts were left thought the chances of meetin again would b close to zero since he's in the commandos.....but he actually had the patience n determination to find my profile on frenster....really am impressed.....hehe:p n his msg really brought a smile to my face....it says "told ya we'll meet again".....
added him on msn....n shall c how things goes.....hehe:p
nothing exciting today....slack pretty much the whole day.....but it's juz a simple happy day....hehe:p
~~smiling from the heart~~
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
fun fun fun!
Tricia n ZM..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
unplanned day...:)
didn't hv any prog today.....took up whatever is 'offered'...hahaa....went to work early in da morn....gotta report at 730.....got up at 630....when i slp at 3am....ZZzz.....so tired.....it's wif MGS's prefects today......last day of their camp....more of a reflection session wif them.....brought them to the war memorial place n got them to do their reflection in front of one of the tomb stones they choose......my first time there...it's a v quiet n peaceful place.....a v nice place for self reflection really.....went thru the tomb stones......saw one of a 1 day old baby.....felt for the parents....the galz did their reflection....n had a sharing kinda session after tt......
after work went home for a nap....hehe:p.....then sharon called n asked if i wanna watch burn after reading.....the thriller looks gd.....so went for da movie..!hehe:p expected the usual car park tt i parked at would b full....but lucky there's only 1 car in front of me n didn't hv to wait v long b4 i get a space....hehe:p there's still time to grab a bite b4 da show....hehehe:p
went for the show.....the movie was crap....dozed off in da movies....feel so cheated.....can't get over da fact tt it's such a lame show.....oh well...nv watch nv know....hehehe:p
went for a small bite after da movie at nydc......thought we're juz gonna chill for a bit n head home....but.....hahaha....miss pea heard some retro songs....n she's itchying to go for a dance....cute her....she's so engrossed in da songs tt she wasn't listening to what we say......she's convincing me to go dbl o.....juz for awhile....but i'm suppose to meet my weekend united gang for mj.....hmm.....dun really feel like clubbing.....n i dun wanan drive to club.......
still went in the end....hahaha...cos miss pea's hving exams soon...she can't go for da next 2 weeks....juz go since she said it's gonna b only for awhile....gonna drive there means no drinkin for me...oh well...since i'm detoxin....it's ok lah....hehe:p
reached dbl o...n da queue is freakin long!!!!y muz mos close....?sighz....really can't b bothered queuing to get in....by da time we get in would b god knows what time.....so we got george to get us in w/o queuing...hehe:p thanx george!!hehe:p we went in....they got a drink.....finished it.....n headed to da dance floor....!
it's super crowded.....super hot.....the air con doesn't seemed to b workin lor.......like dancin in suana.....hahaha..:p as usual....it's pic time!!pea was takin a pic for sharon n i......n this 2 silly guyz juz wanna b extra....hahaha.....
louis n lance....me n sharon
made a couple of new frens....n v coincidentally lance lived in da same blk as sharon....n all of them live juz so near us....same 'village' as sharon....hahaha....they're an interesting grp of guys....v funny v crappy....n most importantly they're nt weird....hahahaha..!!!!had a fun day....thou it's all in-prompt-to activities....:)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
yet another crazy nite..
i'm probably hv pms....no...ms...hahaha...i'm feelin super frustrated.....n ppl keep pissing me off wif stupid comments....they think it's damn funny but HELLO PEEPZ!get alife it's nt funny when ya said it like more than 3 times.....duhz....aniwaez yah...was damn pissed off wif those brainless ppl.....
oh i finally manage to get hold of cherie....meetin at 7.....coolz...i'm already like ready to go out anytime.....met her at the last cabin....head down to town.....n in da train juz the sudden thought tt it's ladies' nite....n......in-prompt-to-ly....we decide to go to phuture....hahaha....yupz!v in-prompt-to....hehe:p
as usual....the queue is super long....lucky she met her fren who's in front n she got us to join her queue...!!haha...lucky us....else i think we'll nv b able to step into phuture.....hehe:p were there too early.....had mango malibu....1 jug each....gosh....so bloated.....but the alcohol is nt takin effect.....was juz tellin cherie i wanna go pray to auntie....but Colleen didn't contact me....prob they forgot....n amazingly...it really seems like telepathy.....the moment i finish telling cherie abt it....i got a msg....n it's from Colleen sayin they're gonna pray tml.....gotta reach their place at 930.......Colleen is v thoughtful....she's afraid tt i might feel awkward goin wif them....but it has been so long.....guess it shdn't b tt bad....dun wanna get lost since i dunno where's da place so i'll juz go wif them....:)
after settling that....cherie n i cont' wif out clubbing session....hehe:p took some picz while we wait for da nite to start happening...:p
bestie n i while we're hving our mango malibu at zouk...
switch position n here's another shot..:p
after our drink at zouk went out to make a call n check if cherie can sign Don in when he's here later.....but she can't cos she got her chop already...too bad for ya Don....hehehe:p we went to phuture when da crowd is here....as usual phuture is packed......gd thing music was pretty gd.....hehe:p ppl almost get into a fight again....rite behind me this time....lucky they were juz pushin....no punches were pulled b4 bouncers arrived....hehe:p made a new fren....hehe....sorry bestie for nt being wif ya in the last hr.....lucky Don was there....else bestie is gonna kill me wif her nags n stare.....hehehe:p
went for supper wif Don after phuture....n he's tipsy....hahaha...keep repeatin things he said....haha...so funny....hehe:p had prata opposite.....didn't taste gd.....oh well.....shan't b fussy....hehehe:p chat for abit after supper n headed home together....took some pics in da cab.....
bestie, Don n Me~~
bestie n i lookin norm while Don is.............nt......haha:p
hasn't been to phuture in ages....it's a great nite....!:)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
simply LUV tues~!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
~~Meri n Liam'z ROM~~When it's no longer U n I...
was there abit bit early...so juz stayed ard hopin it'll nt rain...hohoh~ solemnisation was short....exchange of vows and ring....n....taa-daa...!!!knot is tied....!!they're now husband n wife in the eyes of the law...hehe:p

the 'tying of the knot' ....hehe:p
after the solemnisation took a few quick grp pics n had to rush indoor...started rainin....lucky it's after the solemnisation....hehehe:p Meri 'threw' the bouquet to Shuhui....hahaha....ahem ahem...so she's gonna b da next bride...hehehe:p headed indoor for the buffet n the food's pretty gd.....hehe:p of cos our forte is talk n talk n talk over meal....so we were busy eatin, talkin, n takin pics till 4pm....
Meri's hand bouquet n the scrap book from all of us....
first pg of the bk...
my pg of da bk...:p
Mrs Tan n me!!!hehehe:p
tt's us galz!:p

tt's me wif Mr n Mrs Tan...hehe:p
us all!!
After the 'party' at Sheraton towers.....headed down to bugis for KTV session at Top One KTV.....had a huge room...!!the place was pretty gd...got lotsa new things to play ard wif....the lightings....the 'smoke' thingy....the old sch mic......3 big tv...!hehehe:p sang for 4-5 hrs....

some random pic of da evening...

it's the straw tt i like....hehe:p
after tt....went for dinner at.....i dunno where's tt place....hahaha...but it's still at bugis....hehehe:p dinner was pretty yummy too!!!hehehe:p had a really fun day....haven't had such fun wif da gang in ages.......super tired......but was a great sunday..!!:)
~~when the knot is tied...it's no longer U & I~~
Sunday, September 28, 2008
time flies....
Had great fun working wif everyone during the service....might b hardworkin doin all the cleaning n moving of stuff....but it's da ppl tt make it pleasant...:)
time really flies....8 weeks juz flew pass like tt.....so used to gettin involved everyweek n suddenly there's one less agender in my weekly schedule....
today's service is relatively simple....v relaxing.....no messy and dirty hse....juz c what we can do to help them....so after the interview.....while waiting for our turn to talk.....we took some pic at da lift lobby.....hehe:p
aihua n me!
Me n Christopher
Yi Feng n Me~~
after the interview....we had lunch n head to ECP for the closing....weather is so hot so hot.....did some shooting for the last eps....n some candid shotz....then a closing 'interview' sorta thing.....were presented wif a 'certificate' each...!so swt of them....hehehe:p took a grp pic b4 wrappin the day...n yupz!it's the end of the prog.....learnt n see alot thruout da weeks.....POV changed....nothing in life shd really b taken for granted.....n gonna miss all of them.......

the whole team...:) some usual camera n sound man r nt here thou.....
~~nothing remains unchanged in life~~
Thursday, September 11, 2008
post bday dinner for Jovin n me!
didn't manage to get anything......oh well....they're leaving to meet his frens.....n it's also time to head down to city hall to meet shi shi for 2nd round of pressie hunting....n we decided on this cardholder/wallet from m-phosis....finally...hehe:p
met up wif jovin n simin rite after n headed for dinner....meant to go to this marche style jap food place at raffles city....but it was super crowded.....so headed to sushi tei instead....!!yummy yummy.....hehe:p
lucky for us....we didn't hv to wait cos we hv 4....so we can get a table...hehehe:p ambiance was gd gd.....had this 'string curtain' thingy tt sorta gives us our own space.....v nice place.....ordered our food.....had a really nice dinner....n get catchin up over dinner.....hehe:p
time for da cake after dinner...!!bought a lil cake from breadtalk juz for jo....hehe:p
she was so shy abt it.....hehe:p
a grp pic wif the cake...hehe:p
self take grp pic...
took a couple more picz....some silly n candid shots....haha....n we sorta were like exchangin bday gifts....hehe;p jo got me this really gorgeous mirror tt writes queen of the universe....simply luv it!!!hehe:p
my bday pressie from jo...
had a great time...dinner was gd.....n da catchin up was even better...!!!it's a gd thing tt we live kinda close to each other....n we had so much fun talkin n laughin all da way home.....hehe:p
~~frenship is priceless~~
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Long n Tiring day...
there's only 2 tix...but 3 of us...so scared i can't get in....hahaha...but Jerry says they'll nt reject entre de....so....lucky they really didn't....hehe:p yeah!got in.....!!haha...chose a 'gd' seat...n wait n wait....for almost an hr b4 the parade starts.....parade started....ended....haha...there's this roar thing they did tt's so cute....haha...someone fell while runnin to da front....poor guy....hehe:p
finally...!!!it's over!!!my darling POP-ed already...!!he dun hv to rush every sun back to tekong le....hehe:p so glad...b able to c him more.....hehhe:p
aunt, darling n me...!!
Me n my darling....:)
after gettin outta tekong....gotta meet EVO for industrial visit at IMH.....meeting at hougang MRT...ZM n Eugene is terrible late.....organisers late....*humphz!* hehe:p it's a terrible hot day.....tired n hot....n my bag is super heavy.....oh well.....they finally arrived.....made our way there n toured ard IMH....it's nt as bad as how ppl thought it would b like....learnt alot this trip.....:)
EVO members n the bell @ IMH
hohohoh....moi name...:p
after IMH.....gotta head back to uni for class at 7.pm!!!!!!super tired....but cannot skip cos it's da last lec....examz r next week......reach class early....n....most ppl look damn sianz....hahaha....start of class n i was already restless.....haha...can't concentrate...too tired...to restless.....hehe:p after like 30 min i got really restless...decide to go out for a walk......Jerry was keeping me company thru my whole boring 3 hrs of lesson....haha....after my lil walk....went back to class n mummy Christine wants to go for a walk....haha...so i went again!n more n more ppl start leaving da class for a walk....hehe:p everyone's juz waiting for her to tell us abt examz....hehe:p finally!end of class end of presentation!!!!!tipz for examz.....given = to nt giving.....dunno what she's expecting...this is gonna b a tough paper for sure...:s but nvm.....can go home le.....hehehe:p
lucky me....nt a long wait for da bus.....hehe:p got home shower n slp!super long day super tired....but....was a pleasant happy day!:)