Wednesday, July 15, 2009
went for lesson w/o practicin again...haha..~ was nagged a lil...lucky didn't play too badly....hehe:p finally went back to uni to get my claim after lesson.....head home get changed n off to meet sheng n moi dear for dinner~
went to waraku for dinner.....n coffee club for dessert....thou food wasn't fantastic but was really nice catchin up wif them after so so so long......gonna meet again next wed~! woo-hoo~ :)
ate so much tt i'm feeling so lazy to take a train.....been spoilt by baby....hahaha...~ called him for a lift after his run....hehehe:p so spoilt so spoilt...~hehehe:p
got home n msn...~ jerk is back at my heels when i told him i hv a bf....haha~ he nv msg me when i'm online.....till i told him i hv a bf....haha....he's like tryin so hard now.....what does he want? haha....thought ya're hvin control of the game? ya were the one who gave up.....nt me....i shall play my cards now.....dun blame me....ya started the game first....hahaha~
~~play ur cards well ~~
Saturday, June 13, 2009
1 litre party~!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
woke up after the call....too excited to slp anymore....hehe:p got up n prepare to head over to his place....met him at bishan n head some work done while waiting for him to pack his stuff for his work trip to salsa class...can't send him to da airport....
had dinner at his place wif his family.....gosh..~so stress......this is the most stressful dinner in the last 2 yrs.......:s juz feel like hiding in a hole.....haha~ gotta start this stressful process again.....~~gosh...~
haven't put on the ring...haven't make it official n this is me thinkin if i shd juz put it i ready?hmm......number 1 ask me y am i nt accepting him n what is holdin me's hard to explain to her.....we prob share diff views.....hmm.....oh well....shall leave this to next's still thesis week~...hahaha~
went for class n it's pretty fun today.....still miss my gang thou.....can't wait to get crazy wif them again this sat~! so gonna take picz~!hahaha.....can't wait can't wait~!
~~the cycle starts again......~~
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
hope i dun blow my top at any innocent party....hope ppl will stay away n nt get on my nerves.....:x bear wif me ppl.....sighz...~ feeling lucky tt i hv someone who's there to keep me company every now n then......encouraging me n destressing me....
takin tt step is tough......thou it's juz a simple action.....but untying the knot takes alot.....shdn't think abt tt for now......thesis is stressing me out...~~stress is spelt S-T-R-E-S-S~
off to bed~! it's another long day...~ CHARGE~!~!~!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
the 'magic' ring~ haha..
gave up n went to mac instead.....he walk us all the way there n head home after......nt v productive but at least got a lil work done.....haha~
meetin him again at nite....n he collected the ring.....took his n pass me mine......
as drama as it sounds.....he's nt gonna pressurise me by askin me again.....further more am stressin over thesis.....he doesn't wanna add on to he said he'll juz wait for me to b ready.......n when i'm ready......all i hv to do it juz to put on the ring......haha~
Sunday, May 3, 2009
tryin to get some work done.....v slow...nt v productive.....n juz as i'm gettin my engine boss called when he was outta da room n told me tt they decide nt to keep me.....i hv a choice of completing my last mth or juz nt report for work really came as a shock....she said she's gonna extend my probation for another mth juz 2 dayz ago.....n now she's telling me she's nt keeping me....over the phone.....~ i'm so lost after the call tt i dunno what to do...called bestie n pea but they both didn't pick up...called sis....couldn't help but tears juz feelin so lost.....i'm glad he was there at tt pt.....thou he did pop the question.....he's nt rushin me knowing tt i'm nt ready.....
sighz....back to being a jobless individual....~
Sunday, April 26, 2009
life does know how to make fun of us....~
didn't really slp well....mayb cos of the alcohol....n stupid cough is back....we got up way b4 230 n started chattin again....hahaha...washed up had lunch n started on our thesis at almost usual....i'm an entertaining distraction....nt v productive again...but at least got a lil more done....moving but v slowly....haha~
Weixin's coming back from Bkk today...he said he'll call me when he get back n we're meeting for supper....his flight was delayed.....he was suppose to b back in the noon but he got back in the evening.....he called n yupz~ we're meeting at 11pm for supper...:)
was watchin the star awards wif YY and waiting for him to come pick me up....his parents got home he got the car late n came late....send YY off in a cab....n yupz~! we're off for our first "date".....~!~!~
i wanted he brought me to katong....but all the shops were closed....we were too late....went to thomson in the end.....n guess what.......walked past the prata shop......who we saw~?!?! John n his frens....ZZzzz....what luck....i dunno if he did c me n looked away on purpose or what...aniwaez tapped n said hi....Weijian waved but my heart was racin a lil when i saw him.....y? i dunno.....hmm......
Weixin asked if tt's my fren....i juz told him tt's my ex bf....n he took it pretty well....he's's a sign tt we bump into ur ex the first time we're hangin out.....i juz act blur....hahaha....
had our supper n chat.....he's pretty nice to hang out wif so far......he's a guy wif vision, knows what he wants in his life n he's direct in a way....which is gd so far......:) we wouldn't hv left the place if nt for tt flying cockroach tt flew into the shop.....hahaha....he sent me home....and he tried to guess where is my unit.......his company is pretty gd n yupz....ask him n he's goin to mimolette....:)
~~expect the unexpected~~
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
will i ever fall in luv again??
i wonder.....part of me would wanna settle down...but part of me doesn't want to....issit cos i haven't met the one who can make me wanna settle down.....?or hv i lost the confidence to trust again....??i dunno....i'm back to being a confused individual tt my career is juz getting in place.....i dun wanna start a r/s.....i wanna juz establish my career first.....but sometimes i wish i hv tt someone to rely someone i can call anytime.....had tt sudden urge to call someone when i was at work doin stuff myself.......first person who comes to my mind.....?*BLANK*
no one~!! but feels kinda empty....probably it really is time to search for the special one.....or shd i juz b patient n wait....??haha~
my "PA" msg me on msn....he found a job~! happy for him....:) he promise me a meal when he gets his first pay~haha......yeah~!it's weird how we juz contact again after so many yrs.......lets c if we're gonna drift again.....haha...:p
~~in search of the feeling again~~
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
long weekend is approaching...~
needa go back for few other vaccine jabs....Zzz....*double ouch* mum drop me off after review...hehe:p dun needa take bus/cab...ehehe:p
had a meetin wif vanessa b4 the bois come scared i'll b told the offer is called off...:s n.........YEAH~!! she's keeping me~!~!~!~! my job is secured for now~!!!!!hehehehe:p i'm a happy happy gal~!...hehe:p
it's quiet in sch today....only 3 bois came......missing my 2 fav bois.....both went for holz......can't wait for them to b back....hahaha....did baskets for easter hunt tml.....n dyed eggs for fun.....~!i've literally a green thumb after dying the eggs....hahaha....walked to the bus stop wif shanida after work.....n were talkin abt starting a new r/s....gotta start the "getting-to-know-u" process.....all the butterflies in the stomach....all the me thinking......will i b able to do tt?dun rem goin thru much of tt process when i was wif's juz so.....natural....yet swt......hehehe:p oh well...dun hv time for tt.....gonna juz concentrate on my newly found job n my dances~!!!!!hehehe:p oh....n thesis...sighz....hoho~
met my galz for dinner after work.....wanted to hv sakura buffet....but simin hv a small we went for jap food at hereen instead since chua suggested it n said it's yummy...hehehe:pso hungry......pea came juz in time to decide what she wants....ordered n yupz!~!~ food's pretty gd~~!hehe:p
had a great time catching's a pity hanni can't join us....dinner's gd...dessert's gd.....n yupz~! gonna catch a movie on sat~!'s gonna b a long weekend~!!n it's gonna b a HAPPENING one~!!!hehehe:p
easter hunt in sch tml for the's gonna b fun...~!!hehe:p then it's another nite of salsa social~!!!hehe:p
en la pasion on fri...~!exciting...~!hehehe:p
movie wif my dear galz n prob phuture on sat....~
sun breakie or brunch wif jialiang n jacky...~!
woo~hoo~!!busy busy weekend~!hehehe:p
gosh...i really shd settle down n do my thesis...~!:s
miss chua~!~dare to say pea n i childish hor....ya dun pretend pretend...~!I swear ya're in it~!!!hahaha~~ya're my BEST FRIEND~!!!hahaha...~~
~~happy life~~
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
happy april's fool~!
rush rush rush outta da hse...didn't get lunch wasn't feelin really gd......reached sch a lil off 10....get some stuff done n went out to get lunchy wif shanida.....didn't enjoy wasn't gd...but juice was real gd~!hahaha...
there'll b a new intern comin in today....she's a lil late but she's nice n frenly.....another german speakin gal....too bad our german boi is on leave for 2 weeks.....shortly after claudia came in n she told me a super gd news~!i'm gonna watch her do therapy today cos vanessa wants to train me to b a therapist!~!~! this is so so so SO exciting~!!!hehehe:p i'm really really over the moon~!!hehehe:p can't control my excitement...~!hehe:p lucky it's nt an april fools joke....~!hehe:p
couldn't believe it..~!things r really going so super well for me~!i'm so so so grateful~!so glad everything to gettin so so so much better for me in my job.......things r picking up.....the other problems will definately b resolved gradually......:)
went back to uni for EVO's D&D after work....meant to stay for juz abit but when i was abt to leave saw lishan so stay n catch up wif her.....was a pretty gd catchin up session wif the rest of EVO members...:) saw this really cute guy....but he's nt an EVO member...dunno where's he from.....he walked pass afew times n we 'exchanged smiles'...hehe:p he turn out to b someone tricia knows.....haha....but he left b4 we could really talked....oh well....too bad....hehe:p
stay till the end n head home....too tired to do work....n's bed time~!ZZzz.....
~~glad things r gettin back in place...:)~~
Sunday, March 29, 2009
zoning sunday~...
so tired after i got home....slpt till 2ish pm...didn't wanna wakie too late....but was super tired still...tried to start on my lit review but couldn't get anything outta my super intoxicated brain....ZZzz...
stoned pretty much the whole noon....had dinner n cont' stoning....hahaha..~ no work done....juz camp infront of the tv....then got a surprise sms...~!jason msg me...haha....thou we juz exchange a few short n simple msges it kinda brightens my nite....hehe:p hasn't seen him in awhile...they wouldn't b at a fix bar he was finally at the usual bar yesterday.....didn't getta talk to him much....too busy....juz offered him pea's bday cake....was nice to see him thou....haha~
nt in the mood to do anything...i'm juz gonna head to bed....haha....~ what a pleasant surprise to end my day.....hehe~
~~a lil something brings a smile...~~
Monday, March 2, 2009
lazy lazy day....~
when i got up....instead of doin my work i did house work....*kick myself* while doin laundry hejie texted me askin if i wanna hv coffee since he's comin to my area to settle some stuff....since i haven't really had a proper chat wif him in ages i went....n partly was to run away from my assignment....hahaha....*bad gal*
since i'm goin out....went to run errands for mum n grandma.....had to go to da bank.....things seemed to b gettin worse.....locks to the drawers had to b changed n keys nv to leave heart much money is lost....if i had deposited the money last week this might nt hv happen.....can't even let our guards lose at home......this is stressing everyone out.....lucky we're nt a rich family....else the typical hk drama scenes would happen......haha~ money can really turn everything bad......can still draw a line when frens hv issues wif money matters....but family....?how....?i'm really draining draining...........
y would the wanna eye tt lil bit of money....?first aunt almost wanted to file a police report......lucky she didn't.......i hope it will all b over soon.....but....looks like it's nt gonna happen in the near future......lets juz hope for the best.....
Time to get started on my JW seminar critique~!
Monday, February 16, 2009
laugh of the day....~
thanx for the joke....haha~
Sunday, February 15, 2009
bearing wif nonsense n hving to entertain all the attention seeking behaviours hv been a burden......what kinda fren back stabs till it's beyond recognition?i've been stabbed in the back till it's full.....i dun think there's any space for another 'knife' to b stabbed....haha~ i got so numb.....whenever i getta know abt something tt was told tt stabbed me in the back all tt comes to mind or i could say is "y am i nt surprise?"......all these yrs the trust i gave was betrayed....i've swollowed all the disappointments n feeling of betrayal in silence.....lucky for bestie sees it all.....i dun care what was told abt me....whatever stories tt was cooked up n tales told to smear my name....whatever blame tt was put on me.....make me sound like i'm alwayz the devil the black long as ya're happy......
i'm happy...i'm satisfied wif my life....y?i'm nt tt sadistic to b happy cos i was being betrayed n backstabbed by a so called fren....i'm happy n lucky cos i hv a v v v understanding bestie.....i dun need alot of frens.....all i need is support from 1 true fren.....who understands......n tt's YOU BESTIE~!!!!~!lucky for me.....i hv more than 1 supportive true fren....i hv a grp of darling frens who listens n was there for me......nv understand y would someone need so much attention.....ready to draw tt line...?we shall c.........
~~lucky to hv true frens by my side~~
Thursday, February 5, 2009
apprecitate my bestie even more....:)
parrot boi is throwing a tantrum today as well....but he's still deal-able wif the rewards each time he does his tasks well.....:) patience-testin boi is starting to challenge us....when asked to do painting he's nt doin it.....alwayz playin wif his specz.....cutie boi is runnin ard as usual......but nt ask much as the last few dayz......he can sit for quite awhile n is able to repeat after me the colours of the sticks.....
the outdoor time is what they alwayz look forward to.....smartie n competitive boi is alwayz on the swing....parrot boi is at the top of the slide most of the time....patience-testing boi is tryin to b funny today.....did nt hold on while in the swing...almost fell a fright.....gave his time out for that....but he's still tryin his luck....kept wanting to do stuff wif the swing......VP handled all time fav cutie boi is alwayz running least he's willin to wear his shoes today......he trys to run down the slides instead of sliding down.....he knows i'll carry him down if he's standing in the middle of the slide and give him a lil he alwayz does tt.....he's a very swt boi....he'll give me a hug when i carry him....but can't keep carrying him....he's nt v light....hahaha....gets really tired......his eyes are really charming.....n his smile brightens up my day......workin wif them might b a lil challenging and tiring but i really enjoyed it....:) Vanessa said i'm doin a v gd job so far~!hehe:p so happy.....i hv hope for my masters now....hehe:p
met bestie for dinner n a lil shopping after work.....hehe:p got my longchamp bag from her....woo hoo~! new bag...~!!!so happy....hehehe:p went to sushi tei for dinner.....ehehe:p had a really gd dinner....was chattin chattin wif her all the way...updating her on my life when she's away.....told her abt my internship n complains n him.....went shoppin after dinner....had no intention of buying stuff.....but ended up gettin a scarf for my japan trip....n.....a new top~!hahaha.....bad hands....keep buying stuff......:s
I'm really thankful my best fren sees my 'sufferings in silence' n is so understanding........:)
Bestie...~!!!if ya're reading this...hehehe:p THANK YOU so so so SO SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING~!~!~!luv ya deep deep...~!!!hehehe:p am really thankful to hv ya in my life n as my bestest-est-est fren all these yrs.....*MuackzZzzzZZ* n of cos nt forgetting my wonderful gals....ya know who ya r yeah..;) thanx for all the support n understanding.....luv ya all...:) *HUGZZZZZzzzz*
~~hving one true frens beats hving many so-called-frens~~
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
nt enjoyin tue for once....
oh well...went for piano lesson.....was nagged for nt practicing....hahaha~ n theory exam results r out.....didn't do only a merit.....n was nagged by Mrs Ong for nt doin well in sections i shd....hoho~
went back to uni after piano to get the dvd for JW seminar critique.....head home....had dinner n it's time for bachata n salsa~!learnt a new body move for back feels so's like dividing the upper body into 3....n hving to isolate individual parts....tough tough...nt doin v well for bachata today...but still had fun....hehehe:p salsa is stressful today....haven't been dancing for more than a week.....rusty rusty......n forgot some moves....:p forgot how box step works.....almost forgetting how the sequence of box stop shine stuff were taught.....but super off form today.....doin v v v badly in class.....couldn't get the steps rite.....hands n legs can't coordinate....Zzz.....frustrated wif myself.....~!
many of them r headin to union after class so yupz~!we r goin too~got like pointers abt today's move from jackson after class...n he said my steps r too big tt's y i alwayz travel when i do my turns......head down to union after with a couple of dances.....but i really really was horrible today....couldn't get the ques......wrong footwork.....everything's nt goin rite.....sighz.....need lots more practice......:(
feet a huge blister after dance.....oh well......too to bed..~!it's another tiring day time.....gonna c my 2 dear lil's gonna b thou 'takin care' of them....but am lookin forward to spending the afternoon wif the class.....:)
~~mood affects performance~~
Monday, February 2, 2009
internship day 1
tried repling b4 the kids arrive at 1pm....then was too pre-occupied with gettin them to settle when they come....feelin the same time abit scared cos i dunno if i can handle them....first time workin wif kids wif autism....5 of them in total...boi 1 is a relatively bright kid....quite easy to handle except for his tantrums sometimes....was taught to juz ignore all the tantrums.....kid 2 is very cute...hv sensitive he likes to cover his ears....he can't really talk n he likes runnin around.....very active boi....nt easy to handle.....kid 3 is quite different....he likes huggin n touching ppl.....repeatin what others say and gets violent sometimes as well......kid 4 wasn't used to the settings.....didn't join in the class activities till towards the end....he is very interactive and quite smart....and kid 5 is abit to the 'rude' side...have to keep reminding him to use the word 'please' and 'thank you' and speak in full sentences.....
really luv working with them today......thou it's nt easy cos hv to be very careful wif choice of words and can't used very negative words.... the easier part is praising them for their gd work...:) n also work kept him outta my mind.....which is gd~!haha...~
knocked off at 5....didn't hv to do much clearing up......went off n recce the bus stops ard....b4 meeting dearie for dinner....dunno if he's gonna meet me later.....asked if he wanna catch a movie since he's hving dinner wif his parents....but he's nt a fan of movie...out for coffee n he said he'll get back to me....hmm....whatever....
met up for dinner...went to wisma....then to sushi tei cos i feel like sushi....hehehe:p he replied sayin he had something to do....will meet me some other day....hmm..wonder when will tt day b.....sighz....aniwaez....had a gd chat over dinner......was telling her how diff his interests were from mine.....none matches so far...blah blah blah.....felt better after pouring it out....hehe:p thanx for listening and keeping me company dearie~!luv ya deep deep...~!ya know who ya r...:)
had a quiet walk home...haven't done tt in calms me down alot home n msn as usual....hehe:p was tellin yann yann abt him.....n tt we do nt hv a common interest.....or mayb we hv yet to find any common interest.....n she ask if common interest is really tt impt.....isn't the feelin more impt....?got me thinkin....hmm....if there's the interest n no feeling does it work?but come to think of it.....what common interest does john n i hv....?issit true tt with the pressence of feeling there's a possibility to compromise...?too tired to think.....i dunno what he wants.....lost it....i forgot how does the feeling of fallin for someone feels n how if someone is showing interest........hohoh~prob my heart is numb......or prob i'm dumb....keke~ oh's beyond my control.....hope things will come to light soon...~~i'm exhausted.......
~~is the feeling more impt than common interests?~~
Saturday, January 24, 2009
CNY eve noon....
this is how statment 1 came abt.....talkin abt a guy fren.....n this pops out....~~
statement 1: at least he has a brain~~
next....we were discussing abt blood grp.....she's a B n i'm an O....O is known as the mix grp cos it's a combi of all the here goes......
statement 2: I'm a pure breed n ya're mixed...
oh sis is crappy...~
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
simply luv tues~!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
baby Jayden is out~~!!!!luv singapore yet missing aust....
texted him after lesson to confirm when r we meetin n what to do......he ask me to think....really dunno what to do.....*thinking thinking*.....decide to take a nap b4 goin for told him i'll think abt it....haha~
got up late....n rushed outta da hse to meet sheng sheng at raffles half an hr late...:p
went for facial.......des text Jayden is out~~!!!!yeahz...!!!so happy.....hehhe:p so gonna c him tml.....hehehe:p acc Sheng for a short dinner after facial.....then left for MS to meet co n mich for dinner at hot pot culture......they were nt there when i arrived.....sat down n waited for them....was feelin a bit grumpy...dunno y...prob am tired....or PMS....hahaha..:p
dinner was was being his usual silly annoying self.....mich n i gangin up against him as n crap fun.....hehe:p ate from 7ish to 10ish....we were all stuffed.....feel like puking.....hahaha.....head home after.......
chat wif 'him' on msn for abit.....confirm we're meetin after my salsa lesson tml.....but....still dunno what r we gonna do yet.....he said go for a nite swim.....but i scared lah....hahaha....keep askin me to think.....i really hv no idea........sighz......he hv class tml so b4 he left for bed he ask me to think what to do tml again.....go where go where?aiyo....headache.....hahaha:p
juz as i was abt to log off eddie came online...he juz got back from drinkin wif his cuz.......lazy to ended up on da phone....was talkin abt nice to b able to talk to someone who knows da place......all the then familar places n terms in Geelong...safeway, readings cinema, coles, homebrand, death by chocolate @ panache......missing aust so much......told him i'd luv to go back....n funny him ask me to go to his hse at geelong cos his mum can cook real gd laksa n chicken rice.......haha......his hse is juz so near to uni......would b great if i knew him then......oh's still gd knowin him now.....hahaha......our chats nv fail to b filled wif lotsa laughters n silliness so far......only wif him am i able to use my aussie accent in sg n nt be said i'm faking......oh well...would b funny to use tt on s'poreans thou.......haha....tried conversing in 'perfect' mandarin....n both of us juz suck at it.....hahaha.....english words keep poppin out as n when......meeting him for dinner on's gonna b fun.....hahaha...lookin forward..~
this is gonna b a fun week!hehehe:p gonna visit mummy christine n baby Jaden tml noon...then bachata n salsa...n meetin "him" after gonna meet eddie for dinner...n farewell party at zouk wif nic n them.....thurs sis is coming back!!!gonna hv mum's bday dinner....fri shoppin wif sis n my darling cuzzies......sat massage n reunion dinner.....n sun would b spring cleaning day......n it's CNY!~!~!~!~! for's bed time~~ZZZz.....
~~missing aust~~
Saturday, January 17, 2009
nv been so "lucky" in a day...~
this matchbox story is pretty meaningful to me....part of it sayz..."coldness means an end to every r/s. If you want to kill something, just stay cold. As soon as you freeze ur feelings, thoughts and acts, the r/s becomes impossible." kinda agree wif tt....was 'frozen' once....haha~
one of the exhibits....juz thought tt it's cute....:)
went for dinner at thai express wif yann yann after da museum...then....dessert at Haagen-Dazs....shared 2 scoopz of ice cream wif a waffle....feel so cheated....this tiny waffle cost $5......was expecting something bigger....:s oh's Haagen-Dazs....haha...the ice-cream is gd thou it's a lil ex....hahaha~
us all for the nite....:)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
packed yet fun filled day~!!
oh well...i hv to step outta my comfort zone....~!!here i come!!!!hehehe:p picked moi dear up from bishan....headed down to st nics......went into class.....set up, did self intro.....n start my trainin....they're a nice class.....v cute galz....they're v chatty.....v hard to get them to keep quiet n listen....but some r quite responsive....*phew* afraid tt i'll underrun da time.....lucky i hv da games to drag.....hehehe:p kept lookin at da time.....finally class is over....haaha.....everything went pretty
after trainin...went to j8 grab a bite wif moi dear.....then went for piano lesson....hehe:p didn't practice much but lucky still played ok....hahaha...wasn't perfect but wasn't i was spared....hehe:p after piano drove home....left da car n it's time for BACHATA n SALSA!!!!!hehehe:p can't wait to try out my new dancing shoes....hehehe:p n c my gd lookin classmate...hehehe:p
first hr of bachata was pretty ok....thou the heels r bit high.....regretted gettin 3 inches ones...oh well...i might get used to it....hehehe:p learnt the quater turn in bachata today...footwork was pretty easy...but the hips trotting was hipz r like so super stiff....:S really need more practice man.....hahaha....he came in half an hr late...thought he wasn't comin...hahaha....kinda like dancing wif him cos he can lead pretty well...n he's quite gentle in leading...nt like some guys who swing so hard....felt as if i'm a top....hahaha......
salsa was rite after bachata...i can feel my feet aching already.....learnt new steps in salsa today.....but i forgot what we learnt last week...gosh...bad...bad.....cos my feet's starting to hurt...can't really dance.....the turns ain't footwork is starting to get messy.....gosh......learnt 1 1/2 turn today.....can't do tt well...cos i can't spot......muz really prac on my spottin.....hahaha....
at the end of 2 1/2 hr of dance class my leg almost break....!!!!got blisters from my new dance shoes...:( hope after a few more weeks it'll soften....sighz....feet aching....can't walk properly....hahaha....nt goin to union cos i'm meetin "fren's fren" for a drink somewhere near gallery hotel at 1130...nt v nice to b late for our first 'outing'....hahaha...didn't know how to get there...was plannin to take a train back to tpy then catch a cab.....but he msg me when i was at da train station offering to pick me up in nice of him...hehe:p
while waiting for da train, was gossiping wif Adeline n Yenching abt the guys in our class......who's a better lead....oh n tt guy who NV if we owe him millions of dollars.....juz alwayz tt black face...dunno what's wrong also....hahaha....n the cute guyz...blah blah funny.....hehehe:p
the train is here.....happen to c one of the guyz from our class Koichi.....he's a japanese...guessed other japs tt i know....he's v polite v nice.....asked him to join us at union on fri after social nite at JJ' so so lookin forward to fri!!more dancing...!!hehehe:p
i alighted at orchard wif Koichi....he's heading takin a bus from orchard home....n "he" is pickin me up from the bus stop at yupz...i exited at the wrong exit...hahah....had to cross the rd....texted him n he picked me up from the taxi stand at lucky plaza......headed down to gallery hotel.....he's quite least i dun hv to open da doors....hahaha....
the place is pretty nice n quiet.....nice place to chill.....order mango mojito....not nice....*bleahz* but still drinkable....haha.....was pretty comfy chattin wif least i can feel tt he's nt like many other guyz who dated me wif "something" in mind.....we're out juz purely for a chat....nothing more than least i know tt we're nt rushing or gettin into anything yet....cos we both hv trust issue when it comes to r/s.....talkin to him is quite nice....:) he's quite crappy at times.....i was quite stone...didn't really know what to say......lucky he kept da nite alive....he did da talkin when i'm nt....hehehe:p dun really hv the awkward silence....hehe:p
had our 2nd went wif red n he white.....dun really know which is gd...the ones tt i usually drink r nt in da hse wine he made da choice for me.....he knows quite abit abt wines n stuff.....:) nice...:)
know a lil more abt him till ard 1ish.....he settled da bill while i was in da washroom.....n it's on him today...the next will b on me he said.....haha.....time to go home.....he sent me home....n yupz!end of my packed day....hehe:p reach home...prepare for trainin next day...n off to bed~!
thou tired but had a great time..!:)
~~every moment is a moment i treasure~~